one year pieces of berlin blog!ein ganzes jahr lang gibt es nun pieces of berlin…und es werden noch viele darauf folgen!danke für euren support und die vielen feedbacks! buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm
All posts tagged “bilder”

berlin bilder – a piece of glory II
buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm

berlin bilder – a piece of glory
buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm

berlin bilder – a piece of relaunch
buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm

berlin – dead places – teufelsberg 05
buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm

berlin – dead places – teufelsberg 03
buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm

berlin bilder – a piece of waiting II
buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm

berlin bilder – a piece of sightseeing
buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm

berlin bilder – a piece of shopping I
buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm

berlin bilder – a piece of vermeer van der spree
buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm

london calling – attention prevention
buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm

london calling – pob exkursion 2.0
pieces of berlin war mal wieder unterwegs. dieses mal auf der insel, in london. was denken manch leute dort so über berlin? soon be posted! buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm

berlin bilder – a piece of peace
buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm

berlin – pob meldet sich aus dem urlaub zurück!
in gewohnter manier wirds weitergehn hier; ein zweites und drittes pieces of berlin special gibts auch bald! buy this print!* 15x15cm | 30x30cm | 60x60cm | 100x100cm